Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thoughts & Things

Evenin' friends. Just as a starter disclaimer, I don't have super cool pics to share with you tonight. I know, I set the bar high on Saturday, but we just haven't done a ton since then. On Sunday we all went to church together to a church called Mill City Church in Fort Collins, CO. It was pretty cool and part of Colorado State University, which was pretty. But. UVA is by far the prettiest, of course. The town itself and where we're staying actually reminds me a little of home. Apparently Fort Collins is the #1 place to live & raise a family. Fun fact. 

Sunday kinda caught me by surprise. I was suddenly thrown into a wave of sadness to not be at home with Crozet Baptist friends. And, when we sang the song "Healer" I got especially sad because that's one of the songs that my dad always leads in CBC worship. But, the service all in all was pretty good (though my Bible knowledge from my religion classes at school made parts of the sermon questionable). After church we all went to a lake as a staff and had a picnic and hang out followed with pizza dinner back at the school.

Training is going well. I officially am capable of driving a Penske moving truck...maybe not well, but I CAN do it. We got our company credit cards and cash today. I'm nervous to be in charge of so much! Today we also had the briefest Red Cross first aid and CPR training. Hopefully I won't have to do that....I'd like as few emergencies as possible this summer.

On to Jesus things. I'm bummed. I haven't had a ton of time for quiet times, which is taking a bit of a toll. Whenever I don't keep up with my quiet times I feel a bit of a drag. But, there is still tonight and tomorrow morning to restart the groove. On the plus side, staff worship is just incredible. It's very simple and acoustic, just like workcamp, but I swear, Jesus moves through that gym when we worship. Though my personal time with him has maybe been lacking, He has not failed to reveal himself to me and speak the truth that I AM LOVED into me. Last night we had some reflection time at the end of worship and Jesus reminded me of that truth. For whatever reason, I make it seem like I am confident and content in myself, but I am so cautious at the same time that it's to the point that I easily forget that I am loved; by my family, my friends, by Max especially, and most of all by my Savior. Sometimes my self-doubting-eating-disorder voice easily creeps in and is so hard to repress. But, as always when this happens, Jesus makes the truth loud and clear, which I am forever grateful to have a Savior that reminds me of His love when I forget to love myself.


Peace & blessinz.

(Anddd, for confused readers, I am 4 years in recovery from a combination of anorexia & bulimia. Praise the Lord :) )

1 comment:

  1. So a big part of my sermon this Sunday is: progress not perfection. finding peace with who you and others are... grace...grace...grace...hope...help...hop hop ...I get down, you lift me up.... oh sorry...back to the subject grace grace....love...yeah and then some more grace.
