Tuesday, June 25, 2013

CAMP #1: Parma, OH

Okay friends, I'm gonna be real. This job is so, I don't really even know the right word. Bittersweet maybe? Now that set-up is done and campers are here, all of the craziness has begun. For the past two days I've been in and out of the office trying to rearrange sleeping areas, answering 1 million+ questions, hanging out with campers, dealing with special situations, you name it. Yesterday I was thrown so many different directions that by the end of the night I didn't know what to do with myself.

I have been so spent. Last night I was incredibly exhausted and emotionally and spiritually drained. It took a solo trip to Walmart, full of prayer and praise for struggle and letting Jesus break me into a million little pieces (for the second time this summer I might add...) and reassemble me for today. It was weird. Often I think my intense moments with God typically revolve around my eating disorder recovery and battles, which is more than true and reflected in earlier posts, but last night not so much. I really was just tired, and it was only day one! My anxiety instantly elevated to fear for the rest of the summer. Because the past several days have been so insane and utterly draining, I feared for how I was going to make it through two more camps. I doubted my capabilities in so many ways that it was nothing but sinful. My fears went to the place of knowing full well that I somehow made it through Monday, but I probably wasn't going to make it through Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday or two more camps in general. It's been days since I had a quiet time set aside to spend with the Lord and boy could I feel it last night. That trip to Walmart was forty-five minutes of releasing fears to Jesus, just spending time talking with Him telling Him what was going on and that I need Him (how fitting, our GroupMissionTrips question of the day was "What do you need from Jesus?").

So, I think this job is teaching me some things that I already know, but it's teaching them in a firmer way: realizing the blessing of hardship and thanking God for it is so important. Doesn't seem to make sense, right? But think about it. When do we typically face hardship? For me, it almost always is when I'm doing everything on my own and am not drowning ministry and service in prayer and sought-after guidance from the One who has sent me to do it in the first place. It's when I think I can take the world on my shoulders and carry it into victory all by myself. Then trouble happens. Why? Because only one man successfully holds the world on His shoulders and sees the victory, and that's Jesus. Duh. Hardship is a blessing because it is a constant reminder that we cannot do life without our Savior. I cannot be a part of Group Mission Trips summer staff without spending better quality time with the Lord. I praise Him for yesterday because it makes the peace of today all the more wonderful and a glimpse of hope for what's in store for the rest of the summer.

"Don’t run from tests and hardships, brothers and sisters. As difficult as they are, you will ultimately find joy in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true patience as you endure. And true patience brought on by endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line—mature, complete, and wanting nothing." 
~(James 1:2-3, The Voice)

As usual, Jesus equipped Max with the perfect words of encouragement for me last night. It's not that I don't want to share my struggles with other staffers, but there's just something special that Jesus is doing in allowing Max and I to support each other. Okay...I'll drop the mushy stuff, but I still think it's super sweet :). As for recovery things, the lack of mirror usage that I've decided to try out is actually working, I think, or maybe I just haven't had time to think about body image things...either way I'm definitely feeling better. Jesus is, has been, and will be on the move. Even through the struggles and demands of this job which seemed to break me down yesterday, I am blessed that He has been answering my prayers for recovery. With the newness of today I am confident that He will constantly pull me out the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire, and set my feet on Him, the rock, and give me a firm place to stand always. 

Love you all. Pray for CBC...they're workcampers in Georgia this week!

P.S. That last sentence up there? Yeah, it's from Psalm 40:2, I'd like that to be tatted on my foot someday. Just an FYI ;)

P.S.S. ALSO. This is SUCH a good song. I pray we can all be difference makers. Peace & blessinz.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Crew Timez

Since Crew K left set-up at the Racine, WI workcamp, we've been enjoying some relaxation in Kenosha, WI! We're currently staying with the sweetest family (just so happens to be our boss's family) that is taking very good care of us. Yesterday we literally slept all day before going to dinner out near the harbor on Lake Michigan. 

The harbor was quite beautiful when we were there. The sun sets here are lovely!

Today we went adventuring in Chicago, IL. We began today with an hour long train ride out of Waukegan to get there, pretty standard train ride. Upon getting off the train, we went straight to the Willis Tower (once the Sears Tower) to see the view from the top. It was PHENOMENAL! 103 floors up and a glass ledge to step out on was simply beautiful. Look for yourself...

Yeah, it's a glass ledge that overhangs and you feel like you're floating in mid air.

Anddd from the tower we went and had some deep-dish, Chicago-style pizza from Giodano's, as suggested by our wonderful staff contant, JT. It was too good, I mean, just look at it. 

This literally was such good pizza. It's baked with layers of cheese and whatever toppings you want and then the sauce is on top. It's beautiful. I swear all of the food in heaven is gonna be just like this. What they say is true, Chicago deep dish is the best. The last of our shenanigans in Chicago included going to see the giant reflective sculpture known as, The Bean.

I seriously love my crew. These few days of just relaxing and having time to bond have been so good for us, and I think much needed to prep for the week we have ahead for our first camp! We talked to our set-up director today for the first time, which means I'm officially starting in on my Day-by-Day to-do list! This is both exciting, and still a little nerve-racking. I feel confident in the camp we have ahead, but still weary of what standing on my own while I do this will look like. At the end of the day all I can ask for is that Jesus' will for each camp is evident and that our crew will effectively and efficiently execute what He is asking of each of us for the coming weeks. I am most looking forward to being able to room assign. Something we do for YoungLife each year is we have a HUGE prayer conference for the Commonwealth of Virginia and we pray over all of our YL kids by name as we look upon their beautiful faces in the yearbooks for schools across the state. I know I won't have pictures, but one of my goals for this summer is to be praying over campers by name and to more or less do a prayer walk through our schools where camp will be held. I don't know, there's just something about being physically present in the place your praying for and looking upon the names of kids as you pray for them that makes it that much more special when you meet them in person. We'll see how it goes, and hopefully I will be successful!

To update on me once again, I'm trying really hard to do this mirror challenge that I mentioned in my last post and I think it's going well. I'm feeling better, not perfect, but better body image wise and I think my focus is starting to be shifted to other places than griping about miniscule imperfections. I'm gonna be okay, I know this and have known this, and the Lord is using this off time to equip me with the tools I need to care for myself before I care for campers. I anticipate His victories big & small to continue the preparation of words and affirmation that will be necessary as Crew K heads into Parma on Wednesday. His love never fails, never gives up, and never runs out on us.

<3 <3 <3

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Travelling & Setting up!

I can't believe it's been a week since I last posted. Time has just flown! So, last Sunday Crew K (my crew) set out with Crew B from Loveland, CO to head out to Racine, WI. My crew had to hang back and pick up one of our crew members from Denver, CO (she had flown home for her little brother's graduation and then flew back Sunday afternoon). So, since we're the all girl crew, we took the liberty to get pedicures while we had time to kill in Denver.

Then, once we got Sara from DIA, we headed to Kearney, Nebraska and stayed there for the night and met up with Crew B Monday morning in Omaha. From there the 8 of us drove 4 hours down the road to Iowa City to stay for the night. And, finally, by Tuesday night we made it to New Berlin, WI, where we stayed Tuesday & Wednesday. We stayed at Mike's house (the materials manager for Crew B), which was so wonderful. His family made us dinner & breakfast for two days and let us do probably a million loads of laundry. They honestly were just the best. I couldn't have felt more at home (well, unless I actually was at home...). On Wednesday my crew had the day off, so we went shopping in Milwaukee and saw the art museum, which was pretty cool. But, we then got caught in a thunderstorm and literally ran from the mall in Milwaukee back to our car. It was not a fun time, but certainly a fun story and we shared many laughs during it all.

Here's Crews B&K (or Burger King according to our staff contact)
From Left to Right: Sara, Me, Kelly, Jacki, Lauren, Mike, Matt, & Laura

 Here we are leaving New Berlin!

To update you on me personally...I'm doing alright. Set-up here in Racine has gone well I'd say. I've been helping Jacki, the office manager for Crew B. I appreciate being able to be here and help out because it's giving me a better idea of what I'm going to need to do when we arrive in Parma, OH on Wednesday. I'm feeling good about doing this job, I think this "practice run" is boosting my confidence effectively. However, for personal/spiritual matters, it is so hard to make time for quiet times. We are so busy and so tired all of the time that it is very rare that I can find a time or place to just sit in the presence of Jesus. On top of that, as I've shared in previous posts about eating disorder recovery, body image seems to be fluctuating so much, which is very difficult to sporadically be battling alongside the stress of this job. Max has been AMAZING in checking in with me and talking me through some things, usually coupled with scripture and his own loving encouragement for me. Our two year anniversary was on Wednesday of this week, which was such a bittersweet day for me at least; it's so exciting, but a bummer that I can't be with him to celebrate this week. Anyways. This morning as I was getting ready and doing my all-too-typical critique of myself in the mirror, I realized that I need to try the challenge that another girl on staff told me about during training. I need to do the "No Mirrors" challenge. My problem is that I so easily pick things about myself and my appearance and quickly label them negative so that I can agonize and criticize as much as possible. It makes little sense why this becomes my default when I believe in a Savior that defines my worth as so much more than what I see. So, my thought is that maybe this lack of mirrors will help me understand the unseen better. Then, turns out my devotion from Jesus Calling was all about fixing our eyes on what is unseen...

"The tangible world still reflects My Glory, to those who have eyes that see and ears that hear. Spending time alone with Me is the best way to develop seeing eyes and hearing ears. The goal is to be aware of unseen things even as you live out your life in the visible world."

Sweet. Honestly, just what I needed to hear. A reminder that yes, my appearance DOES reflect HIS glory, but that I need to spend time with him to develop a keener sense of the unseen. Y'all, there's a lot that I'm struggling to see. Not to put myself or anyone else on a pedestal, but I struggle to acknowledge the fruit of ministry that Jesus can do, is doing, and will do through us. I want it. I ask Him for it. But I don't expect it. Would you pray for that & do that too? Let's not just ask anymore, but fully anticipate His presence with us.

Love y'all.

P.S. I recognize this is out of context, but I do find a sense of empowerment and truth in this verse applicable to the life of a "Christian..."

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
-1 Peter 2:9

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Last day...what!?

Folks, this is it. The last day in Colorado. As cliche as this may be, I can't believe this day has already arrived. Two weeks ago I was just arriving in Estes Park, scared of what these two weeks would hold, sad to leave so many people behind, and intimidated by the job I have to do. Right now? I am still sad at times, I miss Max & my family A LOT. I'm nervous to travel. But, I don't think I'm scared anymore...

These two weeks have been chock full of training, friends, laughter, and most of all: Jesus. As my last post stated, sometimes it's hard for me to remember my worth in the eyes of my Creator, regardless of how hard I have worked in recovery from my eating disorder. And, as my last post said, God has been pushing to get through once again. I thought maybe Tuesday night was the extent of that reassurance from Him. Then Wednesday happened. We had an awesome dinner at Group Publishing with all of the directors and MC's (by the way, did you know that they have a Wii, 2 ping pong tables, HUGE bean bags, and a mini-golf course all on the top floor for the staff to use??). We did that activity of prayer for a partner and listening for God's words for that person again, this time with a different person. My new partner heard the word "daughter" for me. It was perfect in the context of my struggles to accept and appreciate myself as a daughter of the King. This was only the beginning. That night during staff community worship time, Jesus swept through the testimony of a staffer, and for me personally broke down the rest of the barriers that I always seem to put up when I start allowing ED to win me over. I cried, I worshipped, I watched my brothers & sisters on staff lift each other up as we all let Jesus work on us.

Now, my experience Wednesday doesn't stop with the beauty of that worship session. As usual, I called Max for our nightly phone date. I assumed that my tears were dried and I was ready to tell him about the work Jesus was doing. But, as we learned in training, we should never assume. At the sound of "Hey! How are you doing?" the water works came. Once I got through explaining, Max got his Bible to have what he calls a "Holy Bajoblie" session. He flipped to Ezekiel 41:17-18, Psalm 7:15, & Romans 16:27 and somehow strung them all together into a beautiful piece of encouragement that I needed to hear. Then, before we hung up I asked him to pray for me...this was kind of a big deal because Max does not pray out loud. Ever. He just doesn't like to. But, he prayed for me. His choice of words, "Lord, remind Noelle of what a wonder she is" have just stuck with me all week. It was such a cool thing for me to hear and for us in general.

And it all makes sense why something like this happened. I've heard it hasn't happened at training before, but it still makes sense. If we don't let Jesus have His way in us now, tearing us apart to put us back together more whole than we ever were before, there's no way that we can stand in a position to lead kids to the foot of the cross this summer as effectively as possible. It was hard and many of us seemed to have brokenness that needed some starter repairs. And now we have earned our red shirts, loaded our trucks, and will be on our way this time tomorrow!

And just for fun, here are a few songs I'm obsessed with...

"Great I Am" & "Glory to God Forever" & "Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)"

Pray for the 2013 staff that will begin the trek across the country tomorrow! Pray Ephesians 3:16-21 & 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 over us.

Love y'all!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thoughts & Things

Evenin' friends. Just as a starter disclaimer, I don't have super cool pics to share with you tonight. I know, I set the bar high on Saturday, but we just haven't done a ton since then. On Sunday we all went to church together to a church called Mill City Church in Fort Collins, CO. It was pretty cool and part of Colorado State University, which was pretty. But. UVA is by far the prettiest, of course. The town itself and where we're staying actually reminds me a little of home. Apparently Fort Collins is the #1 place to live & raise a family. Fun fact. 

Sunday kinda caught me by surprise. I was suddenly thrown into a wave of sadness to not be at home with Crozet Baptist friends. And, when we sang the song "Healer" I got especially sad because that's one of the songs that my dad always leads in CBC worship. But, the service all in all was pretty good (though my Bible knowledge from my religion classes at school made parts of the sermon questionable). After church we all went to a lake as a staff and had a picnic and hang out followed with pizza dinner back at the school.

Training is going well. I officially am capable of driving a Penske moving truck...maybe not well, but I CAN do it. We got our company credit cards and cash today. I'm nervous to be in charge of so much! Today we also had the briefest Red Cross first aid and CPR training. Hopefully I won't have to do that....I'd like as few emergencies as possible this summer.

On to Jesus things. I'm bummed. I haven't had a ton of time for quiet times, which is taking a bit of a toll. Whenever I don't keep up with my quiet times I feel a bit of a drag. But, there is still tonight and tomorrow morning to restart the groove. On the plus side, staff worship is just incredible. It's very simple and acoustic, just like workcamp, but I swear, Jesus moves through that gym when we worship. Though my personal time with him has maybe been lacking, He has not failed to reveal himself to me and speak the truth that I AM LOVED into me. Last night we had some reflection time at the end of worship and Jesus reminded me of that truth. For whatever reason, I make it seem like I am confident and content in myself, but I am so cautious at the same time that it's to the point that I easily forget that I am loved; by my family, my friends, by Max especially, and most of all by my Savior. Sometimes my self-doubting-eating-disorder voice easily creeps in and is so hard to repress. But, as always when this happens, Jesus makes the truth loud and clear, which I am forever grateful to have a Savior that reminds me of His love when I forget to love myself.


Peace & blessinz.

(Anddd, for confused readers, I am 4 years in recovery from a combination of anorexia & bulimia. Praise the Lord :) )

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Today was the most exhausting, yet adventurous day! A group of about 30 or so of us went on a hike in the Rocky Mountain National Park. I think our hike round-trip was just under 6 miles. Not too far. It was through LOTS of snow and we went past 3 lakes and did some rock scrambling too. Honestly want to climb more and hike more when I get home now. For now I'm going to let the pictures speak for themselves...(more are on Facebook!)

Here's our group!
Bear Lake

 My crew!

Rocky Mountain Bluejay

 First lookout stop

 Dream Lake

 Emerald Lake

 Ben likes to go barefoot EVERYWHERE

 I like to crawl through crevices.

 View of Dream Lake from Emerald Lake

 So, if you can't tell, there's SO much truth in this verse:  

"There is so much here, O Eternal One, so much You have made.
    By the wise way in which You create, riches and creatures fill the earth."
          (Psalm 104:24, The Voice)

I have always had an appreciation for nature and creation, just ask Max about how many times I've made him watch the sunrise from Humpback Rock, but this hike blew my mind. Just like in Guatemala, I so easily forget how much bigger the world is than Crozet, VA and how each piece fits together into one breathtaking creation. Yes, I could say that my lungs were tight today from altitude, but I think it's safe to say that the overwhelming awe of this creation was probably the culprit of my stolen breath. Just take a moment and imagine physically being where these pictures were taken...I was there only hours ago.  I don't know why I don't do more nature-y things when I'm at home. That's going on the goals list for next year. Definitely wanna hike more, definitely wanna learn how to legitimately rock climb. 

So far, I think this job is teaching me just how much better being uncomfortable is than comfortable. Just read my first several posts and you'll see how sad and unsure I was about this job. But, as I anticipated and am being shown, Jesus shows up when we're uncomfortable. He calls us into the unknown so that we MUST depend on Him in order to find comfort and expect the end to be overflowing with His spirit and marvelous plans for us. Ever since my trip to Guatemala in March, I think I know that Jesus calls me into the exact things that make me uncomfortable and out of what's comfortable. And, He has yet to fail me as I follow Him as best I can. 

I haven't posted prayer requests in a few days, but this has been on my heart: friends, please be in prayer for Max this summer too! He will be going on a WorkCamp trip in Valdosta, GA in a few weeks and then on a 3 week mission trip to Charlotte, NC. Charlotte will be with an organization called "Hyaets", which if you click that link you'll see how awesome it looks. I'm super excited for him to have this experience and just want to have him lifted up in prayer as he sets out to do the Lord's work this summer too!

Here's a recent pic of me & my stud (for those that want to put a face with the name I just asked you to pray for.)
Y'all rock. Peace out girl scouts.