Friday, May 31, 2013

The past two days have just been wonderful. I finally feel some bonding with everyone and am legitimately enjoying myself. I think this summer is shaping up to be one of the best things I'll ever do, with some of the greatest people. Today for our Office Manager Training we literally spent almost an hour just watching wedding & proposal videos...I may or may not have gotten emotional...some of them were too cute (like THIS!). Then, we got to drive down from Estes Park to pick up 18 mini-vans for the Week of Hope people and for us to use this weekend while we're off. We drove them back up to Estes and came back down the mountain to Erwin Middle School to do a practice school walk through/set-up. It was pretty easy and now we're all settled into our rooms at the school as though it were a real work camp week. My double decker air mattress is actually pretty nice. I'm diggin' it. Tonight we went out with a group to dinner at this great burger place and got gelato afterwords. Turns out we met the owner and got filmed for some sort of advertising he's going to do AND got vouchers for free gelato if we come back tomorrow. Pretty cool I'd say.

But, on our way back, one of our mini-van drivers got pulled over by a cop. Our car almost had a heart attack as a whole. But, since we're good little Christians there of course no colorful language as we watched the lights come on in front of us.....right.....Turns out it was just that the headlights weren't on and we were set free. Certainly nerve racking, but as we prayed for our friends in the other car they pulled away with no consequence. Thanks, Jesus, for that one! And, finally, we made it back to the school. I had a few minutes to chat with Max--always a highlight of any day, anytime of year, anywhere. Even though it's after midnight on the east coast, he's been staying up late just to get some time in with me. Super lucky for the bit of time we have had to stay in touch and just blessed to have him in general. Guys, he rocks & is missed a lot by this girl.

Cool thing that happened during devotions this morning: our crew had the opportunity to sit in silence and wait for God to reveal things to us about our crew mates. For Laura, we heard peace. From Kelly, we heard Hebrews 11:1 ("Faith is the assurance of things you have hoped for, the absolute conviction that there are realities you’ve never seen." -The Voice). From Sara, she imagined a lot of complicated scenarios from last summer, but with our crew and she could see them going more smoothly. And for me. Laura heard from God that I have strong faith. That I'm going to be the faithful one always pushes our crew closer to Jesus regardless of what's going on. No pressure, right? I've also been told this week that I have a calm, confidence and focus about me that makes it clear that I'm going to do a good job this summer. Hearing all of these things, and knowing that much of it has been revealed to people by Jesus is really cool and makes me feel great about myself and excited for what's to come. But, sometimes I still really struggle to receive compliments...even though my love language is Words of Affirmation. I'm hopeful that this summer God will teach me the importance of embracing grace and love from other people, trying to allow Jesus to work through them. God is good, all the time and I know he will be great this summer. Stay tuned! Lotz of luvz.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you really are in an awesome place with awesome people. I love when people can allow God to shine through them. Thanks for the awesome posts and of course you are in my prayers.. Love you
